Xin Shen

Currently, I am a first second year Ph.D. student at the Uppsala University under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Magnani and Prof. Christian Rohner.

I graduated with a B.Eng. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Ningbo University, China, in 2022, advised by Prof. Chengbin Peng.

Network analysis has always fascinated me, particularly clustering and link prediction, and I aspire to become a creative scholar in this field. I am passionate about developing algorithms that address various applications of graph analysis, including social and brain networks. My current journey of exploration revolves around the intersection of graph analysis, machine learning, and statistics, which requires a deep understanding of these fields.

[Curriculum Vitae] (updated May, 2024)

Recent News
  • [March 2023]: My work with Prof. Matteo Magnani and Prof. Christian Rohner was accepted for a regular talk in a parallel session at NetSci 2023.
  • [March 2024]: My work with Prof. Matteo Magnani and Prof. Christian Rohner was accepted for a oral presentation in a parallel session at Sunbelt Conference 2024.
Research Activities
Ongoing Project: Clustering in probabilistic networks
Xin Shen,
Prof. Matteo Magnani, Uppsala University
Prof. Christian Rohner, Uppsala University

Teaching Activities
    • 1DL931 Independent Project in Sociotechnical Systems Engineering - IT Systems 2023.01-2023.06, TA
    • 1DL360 Data Mining I 2023.08 – 2024.01, TA
    • 1DL201 Programkonstruktion och datastrukturer 2023.08 – 2024.01, TA